Tag: brownies

Instant Pot Brownies

Instant Pot Brownies

The more I use my Instant Pot, the more impressed I am. Oh sure, at the beginning, I used it in all the traditional ways; soups, stews, beans, oatmeal, eggs. Basically savoury dishes, which I’m sure, is what most people think about when they think Read more

The Best Brownie Recipe

The Best Brownie Recipe

All three of my regular blog readers will know that I am on a life-long quest for the best recipes. Some of the recipes I’m looking for include: banana bread, chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cookies, waffles and brownies. Hmmm… those are all sweet items. Read more

Vegan Brownies

Vegan Brownies

Last year, my dear friend, Sarah, got married. Her bachelorette party ended at my place for dessert and “Blushing Bride” martinis. Now, Sarah’s oldest girlfriends, since she was a kid, are Maya, Liberty, and Chloe, and those three are vegans. While I follow with a Read more