I am: Rebecca Coleman, Vancouver, BC. Foodie, blogger, cookbook author.
In my other life I: help artists, not-for-profits, and small businesses to leverage social media to market their businesses. Instructor of Social Media Essentials at BCIT, and mom to Michael.

My philosophy: for me, cooking is creative expression, and it’s something I do for the people I love. The things I value most: travel, exploring, creativity, experiencing new things, friends and family–these all come together in the world of food for me. You’ll find most dishes on this blog are plant-forward, which means a focus on plants (but occasionally some cheese or eggs), and I’m very inspired by what’s fresh, local, and in season, whole foods. You’ll find very few, if any, recipes, that call for a box of cake mix or a can of soup. The majority of the content here is either vegan, gluten-free, diary-free and soy-free, although I, personally, am none of those things.
Everyone is welcome here: so, here’s the thing: I get that going vegan is a big deal. And I get that it’s not for everyone. But research shows that if we all just ate a little less meat, it could make a huge difference to our plant. So I’m here to give you ideas and suggestions. If you want to live a more sustainable life and make an effort to consume more plants, you are welcome! This is a judgement-free zone.
Wanderlust: By the time I’d hit double-digits, I’d been everywhere in Canada. Twice. In adulthood, I’ve been to England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, Greece, Paris, Australia and NYC. Still many places to visit, and I want to see them all…
The Recipes: I test every single recipe that goes on this blog. I test it, recipe-wise, and I test it taste-wise. If it doesn’t pass, it doesn’t get published. I take that responsibility (maybe a little too???) seriously.
My favourite food: Impossible to choose. I can’t go a day without coffee. Donuts. Croissants. If creme brulee is on the menu, I will order it. Chocolate.
A little-known fact about me: To put myself through university, I once took a night-shift job baking bread.
Favourite kitchen tool: My knife. I even wrote a love letter to it.
Twitter: @rebecacoleman
Instagram: @rebeccacoleman
Snapchat: @rebeccacoleman
Email: grebeccacoleman [at] gmail [dot] com
You presented to our group at CBCF today – your content and presentation was fantastic. I like your writing style, energy and sense of humour. Thanks.