Kale Chips

“Kale” and “Chips” are two words, that, honestly, I never thought I’d see together in the same sentince.

Sounds totally, weird, right? Negatory, my friend. Yummy. Even 8-year-olds succumb to the charm of the Kale Chip.

I recently found out that I’m anemic, so I’m looking for various ways of boosting my iron intake, and leafy green vegetables are supposedly high in iron. So, off I charged to the Farmer’s Market, and came back with a bunch of dark, leafy goodness.

To do: 

  • Kale leaves are kind of like ruffles on a stick. You want to get rid of the woody stem, but it’s easy enough to do by simply tearing the ruffly leaves off of the main stem.
  • Wash the leaves thoroughly, and spin them in a salad spinner to dry.
  • Toss the whole works into a large bowl, and pour over about a tablespoon of olive oil, or coconut oil (or a combo of the two). Toss them around with your hands to coat.

  • Lay the leaves out in a single layer on a baking sheet, and sprinkle with a little salt and some garlic powder or garlic salt. Nu-yo is also tasty.

  • Bake in a 350 degree oven for about 10 minutes. They’ll shrink all down and get crispy. Watch them at the end so they don’t burn!

The end result is a crispy, yummy bit of green goodness. I know, it sounds crazy, but I dare you to try it…

P.S. As I was writing this blog post, Michael came up and looked over my shoulder and said “Can I have some Kale Chips?” I kid you not.

3 thoughts on “Kale Chips”

  • Yay, you tried them! And kale is one of the better leafy greens for iron, as it is more readily available for your body to absorb. Eat it with something rich in vitamin C to amp up the absorption even more – perhaps homemade ketchup? 😀

    Totally need to buy kale tomorrow at the market.

  • Kale chips are amazing. Even better with a bit of apple cider vinager, nutritional yeast, tamari, lemon juice and tahini added to the olive oil.
    Great Blog!

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